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'Mānawatia a Matariki ki Ōkaurirahi' is a book I created with the tamariki and kaiako at Kaurilands School, Titiranigi, to celebrate their history of Matariki at their kura. I created writing lessons for each year level about Matariki (poetry, reports, narrative, comic strips, recounts) then we selected outstanding work to feature in the book. These pieces of writing are accompanied by artwork and photographs. Kaurilands School gifted a copy of this book to each whānau.
'The UN-Helpful Birds' is a picture book written by Year 4 students I work with at Kohia Terrace School, Epsom. Inspired by 'You Can't Let An Elephant Drive a Digger' by Patricia Cleveland-Peck, these students created their own story about native birds of Aotearoa. These clever students also drew the illustrations that accompany this story!
'The UN-Helpful Birds and The Bird of the Year Competition' is the sequel to 'The UN-Helpful Birds' written by Year 4 students I work with at Kohia Terrace School, Epsom. In this second story, native birds of Aoteroa vie for the winning title by exploring their hidden talents!
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